Page:William Le Queux - The Czar's Spy.djvu/159

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minutes? It seemed curious, for the man now dead must, I reflected, have been away at least four days. Surely his absence from work had caused the proprietor considerable inconvenience?

"That was your cook, wasn't it? The Milanese who is quarrelsome?" I laughed, when the side door had closed.

'Yes, m'sieur. But Emilio is a very good workman — and very honest, even though I have constantly to complain that he uses too much oil in his cooking. These English do not like the oil."

I stood in the doorway again watching the busy throng passing outside towards the Royal Oak. Ten o'clock struck from a neighbouring church, and I still waited, knowing only too well that I waited in vain for a man whose body had already been committed to the grave outside that far-away old Scotch town. But I waited in order to ascertain the motive of the bearded Russian in leading me to believe that the young fellow would really return.

Presently Odinzoff went outside, carrying with him two boards upon which the menu of the "D: penny Luncheon! This day!" was written in scrawly characters, and proceeded to affix them to the shop-front.

This was my opportunity, and quick as though, I moved towards where the unhealthy youth was at work, and whispered —

"I'll give you half-a-sovereign if you'll answer my questions truthfully. Now, tell me, was the cook, the man I've just seen, here yesterday?"