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"Yes," he laughed, "you are quite right. Russia has no use for an effete ally such as England is."

"Effete or powerful, my country is still able to present an ultimatum when diplomacy requires it," I said. "Therefore I have no fear. Send me to prison, and I tell you that the responsibility rests upon yourself." And folding my arms I kept my eyes intently upon his, so that he should not see that I wavered.

"As for the responsibility, I certainly do not fear that, m'sieur," he said.

"But the exposure that will result — are you prepared to face that?" I asked. "Perhaps you are not aware that others beside myself — one other, indeed, who is a diplomatist — is aware of my journey here? If I do not return, your Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Petersburg will be pressed for a reason."

"Which they will not give."

"Then if they do not, the truth will be out," I said laughing harshly, for I saw how determined he had become to hold me prisoner. "Come, call up your myrmidon and send me to Kajana. It will be the first step towards your own downfall."

"We shall see," he growled.

"Ah! you surely do not think that I, after ten years' employment in the British diplomatic service, would dare to come to Finland upon this quest — would dare to face the rotten and corrupt officialdom which Russia has placed within this country — without first taking some adequate precaution? No, Baron. Therefore I defy you, and I leave Helsingfors to-night."