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having finished a capital breakfast, came out on to the top step and spoke to them.

“Ladies and gentlemen,"——he began. (A voice from the crowd: “Speak up!”)

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he began again, in a louder voice, “if I could catch the man who said ‘Speak up!’ I would have him bitten in the neck by wild elephants. (Applause.) I have called you to this place to-day to explain to you my reason for putting up a pole, on the top of which is one of my caps, in the meadow just outside the city gates. It is this: You all, I know, respect and love me." Here he paused for the audience to cheer, but as they remained quite silent he went on: “You would all, I know, like to come to my Palace every day and do reverence to me. (A voice: ‘No, no!’) If I could catch the man who said ‘No, no!’ I would have him stung on the soles of the