Page:William Z. Foster, James P. Cannon and Earl Browder - Trade Unions in America.djvu/38

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U. E. L. is the American representative.

Representative delegations of American unionists have been present at the three congresses of the Red International at Moscow. They have participated in formulating the policies and tactics for the world movement, and, in turn, have brought back to America the benefit of the experience of the entire world movement. The T. U. E. L. has, in its magazine and papers, and in numerous pamphlets, brought the Red International intimately into the life of the American left wing.

The Pan-American Left Wing.

Already this international connection and inspiration has broken down the insularity of the American trade union left wingers. Internationalism upon a true working-class basis is already finding practical expression. This was shown when a Pan-American left wing was formed in Mexico City on the occasion or the congress of the Gompersian instrument of American imperialism, the Pan-American Federation of Labor ruled formerly by Gompers and now by his Mexican prototype, Morones. At that gathering the left wing delegates, together with representatives of the Trade Union Educational League, the Workers (Communist) Party of America, the Mexican Communist Party, and the Mexican Committee for the Red International, formed the Pan-American Anti-Imperialist League.


Three years of organization, education, and struggle are now behind the Trade Union Educational League. These years have demonstrated beyond doubt to every serious-minded revolutionary worker that the forces have finally been crystallized that will re-make the labor movement of America into the instrument that will, under the leadership of the Communist International, carry on successfully the fight against capitalist exploitation and the capitalist dictatorship, for its final overthrow, and for the establishment of a workers society under the dictatorship of the working class.