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Written by the secretary of the Red International of Labor Unions, this book is a splendid guide to an understanding of the world trade union movement and its history.

"For the first time,” says Earl R. Browder in his splendid introduction to this book, "there is available a comprehensive picture of the trade union movement from the world viewpoint, which deals not so much with the statics (the unilluminating details of organization and the million variations of program and problems) but rather with the vital, living influences at work within the labor movement, the tendencies, the relation of forces and, especially, with the tremendous struggle developing thru- out the world . . . ."

This book should be in the hands of every worker—in or out of the organized labor movement.

50 cents

Bound in an attractive, durable cover.

The Trade Union Educational League

1113 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.