Page:William Z. Foster -Organize the Unorganized.djvu/32

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(With Conclusion by WM. Z. FOSTER)

This booklet is indispensable to any trade unionist who wants to knéw what is happening in the labor movement of this country.

This shows what it means to the trade unions that the company unions in American industry embrace more than a third the number of the membership of the American Federation of Labor.

What caused company unions? What permits them to exist? All is told briefly and accurately. Besides, the author gives scores of interesting examples of how the company unions work, the details of their functions in speeding up the workers, allowing the workers to let off steam over small things but smothering their struggles for more wages, shorter hours and for real labor unions.

The most vicious part of all is the trend among trade union officials to "co-operate" with the bosses and transform the trade unions of workers into company unions. This must be fought against and this booklet tells exactly how to fight.


The Trade Union Educational League
156 W. Washington Street, Chicago, Ill.