Page:William Z. Foster - The Revolutionary Crisis of 1918-1921 (1921).djvu/48

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arrange matters that all threats, overt acts, reprisals, punitive expeditions, vendettas, oppressions, and personal violence, of every species shall immediately cease.

3. The marks, emblems and badges of both parties shall be respected.

In this matter requests and propositions were made regarding the exposure of flags on public buildings, but the president ruled that such questions rest within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government and Parliament and cannot be settled by agreement between political parties.

4. The parties mutually pledge themselves to respect each others economic organizations.

5. Every action, attitude or conduct in violation of this pledge and agreement shall be disavowed and deplored by the respective organizations.

The Socialist Party declares itself to be foreign to the organization and work of the "Arditi del Popolo," which moreover is made plain by the conference of the latter, which proclaimed itself independent of all parties.

6. Every infraction of these provisions shall be referred immediately to the judgment of an arbitrator, who shall objectively determine the responsibility therefor.

7. To work out this agreement the political and economic organizations of each party shall contribute to the construction in every Province of an arbitration committee composed of two representatives of the Socialists and two of the Fascisti, presided over by a person selected by common accord, or in failure of that, by the President of the Chamber of Deputies. Wherever, fifteen days from today, the parties have not designated their arbiters, the nomination of them shall be made by the undersigned organizations.

8. All the local agreements that do not correspond exactly to the spirit of this agreement are herewith annulled.

9. The organizations pledge themselves not to violently oppose the reinstatement in their positions, by legal means, of those who claim to have been forced to resign their positions as public officials.

10. The parties mutually agree to the restitution of all objects of value belonging to the organizations and