Page:William Zebulon Foster - Strike Strategy (1926).pdf/2

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Organize Your Struggles!

Left Wingers and Progressive trade unionists who know what they want and how to get it are organized in the Trade Union Educational League, a non-partisan organization of informal committees covering the entire trade union movement, whose purpose is to infuse the mass with spirit and understanding for struggle against the employing class.

The Trade Union Educational League asks all workers, regardless of political belief, to join it to realize the following program: 1. Organization of the Unorganized. 2. Amalgamation of craft unions. 3. Class struggle against class collaboration. 4. Fight against company unionism. 5. The formation of a Labor Party based on the trade unions. 6. Elimination of corruption and gang rule in the unions and for democratic rule by membership. 7. No racial, sex or age bar to admission of workers to unions. 8. For Recognition of the Soviet Union. 9. Support of all workers' struggles and all workers' organizations, economic, political, co-operative, etc., against capitalism. 10. An alliance of American labor with peoples oppressed by American imperialism in a common fight for mutual interests. 11. Trade Union Unity, nationally and internationally.

The Trade Union Educational League is in no sense a dual union or affiliated with dual unions. It is opposed to such movements as take militant workers out of trade unions and form "perfect" little so-called unions with few members as rivals to large trade unions. The T. U. E. L. is an educational body seeking to develop the trade unions into more effective organizations for the workers. For further details apply to the

Trade Union Educational League

156 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill.