Page:William of Malmesbury's Chronicle.djvu/341

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a.d. 1072.]
Canterbury and York.

regard to the king, he dispensed with the oath from Thomas, archbishop of York; and received his written profession only: bat not forming a precedent for his successors who might choose to exact the oath, together with the profession, from Thomas's successors. If the archbishop of Canterbury should die, the archbishop of York shall come to Canterbury; and, with the other bishops of the church aforesaid, duly consecrate the person elect as his lawful primate. But if the archbishop of York shall die, his successor, accepting the gift of the archbishopric from the king, shall come to Canterbury, or where the archbishop of Canterbury shall appoint, and shall from him receive canonical ordination. To this ordinance consented the king aforesaid, and the archbishops, Lanfranc of Canterbury, and Thomas of York; and Hubert subdeacon of the holy Roman church, and legate of the aforesaid pope Alexander; and the other bishops and abbats present. This cause was first agitated at the festival of Easter in the city of Winchester, in the royal chapel, situated in the castle; afterwards in the royal town called Windsor, where it received its termination, in the presence of the king, the bishops, and abbats of different orders, who were assembled at the king's court on the festival of Pentecost.

"The signature of William the king: the signature of Matilda the queen.

"I Hubert, subdeacon of the holy Roman church, and legate from pope Alexander, have signed.

"I Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury, have signed.

"I Thomas, archbishop of York, have signed.

"I William, bishop of London, have assented.

"I Herman, bishop of Sherborne, have signed.

"I Wulstan, bishop of Worcester, have signed.

"I Walter, bishop of Hereford, have assented.

"I Giso, bishop of Wells, have assented.

"I Remigius, bishop of Dorchester, have signed.

"I Walkelin, bishop of Winchester, have signed.

"I Herefast, bishop of Helmham, have signed.

"I Stigand, bishop of Chichester, have assented.

"I Siward, bishop of Rochester, have assented.

"I Osberne, bishop of Exeter, have assented.

"I Odo, bishop of Bayeux and earl of Kent, have assented.