Page:William of Malmesbury's Chronicle.djvu/558

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Briget, St. 25.
Britons, avarice and rapine of, 67.
Britons, western, or Cornwallish, 134.
Brithwin, bishop of Wilton, 247.
Burgundy, Stephen earl of, 408. Killed at Ramula, 410.
Burhred, king of Mercia, 88.

Cadwalla, king of the Britons, 46.
Cædwalla, king of Wessex, 16. Baptized, and called Peter, 31.
Caerleon, or Chester, 43.
Cæsarea, siege of, 405.
Cæsar, Julius, subdues Britain, 5.
Calixtus II, pope, his letter on reducing Sutri, 466; accommodation with the emperor Henry V, 467.
Calne, remarkable accident at, 163.
Canons, secular, expelled Winchester, 149, Attempt to recover their monasteries, 162.
Canterbury, see of, attempt to remove it to Lichfield, 78; controversy with see of York, 319.
Canterbury, city of, burnt, 16. Dreadful outrage at, 218.
Canute, elected king by the Danes, 190; lands at Sandwich, 192; divides the kingdom with Edmund Ironside, 195; assumes the sovereignty of England, 196; conquers the Swedes and Norwegians, 198; his epistle from Rome, 199; his death, 205.
Caradoc of Lancarvon, his Life of Gildas, 22, note.
Ceawlin, king of Wessex, his character, 18.
Ceolwulf, king of Northumbria, 53; becomes a monk, 61.
Centuries, or hundreds, instituted, 117.
Cenric, king of Wessex, his character, 18.
Ceolfrid, abbat of Wearmouth, 51, 55.
Ceols, vessels so called, described, 8, 18.
Cerdic, founds the kingdom of Wessex, 17.
Charles the Great (Charlemagne), 65, 85.
Charles the Bald, king of France, 125.
Charles the Simple, king of France, 124.
Charles the Fat, king of France, 102.
Charters, Ethelbald's, 76. Ethelwulf's, 107. Edmund's, to Glastonbury, 141. Edgar's, to Glastonbury, 151. To Malmesbury, 155; Canute's, to Glastonbury, 203. Stephen's, 493.
Chartres, siege of, 125. Church of, 204.
Chasuble, meaning of, 473, note.
Chester, reduced by Edward the elder, 131.
Chorges, bishop of, account of, 414, 417.
Christianity, introduced into Mercia, 71.
Chronicle, Saxon, 3, 30, 39, 98.
Churchyards, privileges of, 492, note.
Circscet, what, 202.
Cissa, king of Sussex, 92, note.
Cistertian order, origin of, 347; observances of, 349.
Clergy, vanity of their dress condemned, 76.
Clerks, two, at Nantes, story of, 268.
Clermont, council of, its enactments, 356.
Clock, mechanical, 175.
Cologne, abp. of, his exemplary conduct, 183.
Comet, appearance of, 251, 343.
Complines, what, 350, note.
Constantine the Great, exhausts Britain, 6.
Constantine, elected emperor, and slain, 6.
Constantine, king of Scots, expelled his kingdom, 129; killed, 130.
Constantinople, described, 372. Its emperors, 374.
Corbaguath, or Corbanach, commander of the Persian forces, 381. His death, 421.
Councils, ecclesiastical, civil, &c. 76, 127, 163, 191, 311, 356, 462, 499, 501, 517, 525.
Court, licentiousness of Rufus's, 337.
Courtiers, their insolence to the clergy, 339.
Crida, king of Mercia, 70, note.
Cross, part of our Saviour's, 118, 136, 390, 411.
Crucifix, said to have spoken, 163. Celebrated one at Lucca, 332. At Winchester, 523.
Crusaders, march of, 364. Their extreme distress, 377. Their admirable conduct, 387—391.
Cuichelm, king of Wessex, 19, 20.
Cumberland, assigned to Malcolm, 141.
Curfew, supposed abolition of, 428, note.
Cuthbert, St. 52. Appears to Alfred, 113. His incorruption, 236.
Cuthburga, abbess of Wimborne, 35.
Cuthred, king of West Saxons, 57.
Cynegils, king of Wessex, account of, 20.
Cynewolf, king of West Saxons, 38.

Dancers and profane singers punished, 182.
Danes, invade England, 40, 96. Ravages of, 69, 112, 167. Butchered by Ethelred, 169. Exact tribute, 185.
Danube, the river, described, 374.
Daibert, abp. of Pisa, joins the Crusade, 397. Made patriarch of Jerusalem, 398.
Dalmatic, garment so called, what, 85.
Danfrunt, siege of, 263. Castle of, 436.
David, St., 26.
David, tower of, at Jerusalem described, 387.
David, king of Scotland, his character, 434.
Decennaries, or tithings instituted, 117.
Deira, province of, 42.
Den, a monastery so called, 466.
Denmark, succession of its kings, 292.
Devices, on armour or shields, 262, 469.
Devil, visible appearance of, 343.
Dionysius the Areopagite, 119.
Domesday-book, account of, 291.
Drinking by pegs, account of, 148.
Dunstan, abp. of Canterbury, 141, 167, 245.
Durham, privileges of the see of, 303.

Eadbert, king of Northumbria, 61—67.
Eadburga, daughter of Edward the Elder, 125, 244.
Eadburga, queen of Wessex, 106.