Page:William of Malmesbury's Chronicle.djvu/561

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Joscelyn of St. Berlins, account of, 355. His translation of St. Augustine, ib.
Jothwel, king of the Welsh, 129.
Joust, meaning of that term, 515, note.
Jutes, a German tribe, settled in Britain, 9.

Katigis, son of Vortigern, death of, 10.
Kenelm, St. 87. Murdered by his sister, 238.
Kenred, king of Northumbria, 53.
Kenred, or Kinred, king of Mercia, 72.
Kent. Its conversion to Christianity, 13. Annexed to West Saxons, 17. Ravaged by Ina, 31. Its extent, 91.
Kentwin, king of Wessex, 30.
Kenwalk, king of Wessex, 20; his death, 30.
Kenulph, king of Mercia, 79—86.
Kinad, king of Scots, 147, 158.
Knights, order of, among the Anglo-Saxons, 131.

Lambert, abp. of Canterbury, deprived, 78.
Lamp, perpetual, 234.
Lanfranc, abp. of Canterbury, 300, 323.
Lanzo, prior of Lewes, account of, 472.
Laurentius, abp. of Canterbury, chastized by St. Peter, 13.
Legion, Theban, account of, 136, note.
Leo III, pope, 79. His epistle, 82.
Leofa, murders king Edmund, 143.
Leofric, earl of Hereford, 214.
Leonard, St. his peculiar power, 415, note.
Leutherius, bishop, founds Malmesbury, 28.
Lewis VI, king of France, account of, 438.
Library, noble one at York, 62; at Jerusalem, 385.
Libraries formerly attached to churches, 120.
London, ravaged, 97; granted by Alfred to earl Ethered, 116; besieged by Danes, 167; by Canute, 194; dreadful tempest at, 342.
Longinus, St. legend of, 136, note.
Lothere, king of Kent, 15.
Lucius, king of the Britons, baptized, 21.
Luidhard, bishop, exemplary life of, 12.

Mabil, wife of Robert earl of Gloucester, 1, note; 433, note, 483, 528.
Malcolm, king of the Cumbrians, 147.
Malcolm II, king of Scotland, 199.
Malcolm III, placed on the throne of Scotland, by Edward the Confessor, 214; receives the English fugitives, 282; slain, 283, 333.
Malger, archbp. of Rouen, account of, 300.
Malmesbury, monastery of, founded, 28; seized by Offa, 78; by Alstan, 98; its possessions restored, 86; monks expelled by Edwy, 146; seized by Roger bishop of Salisbury, 508; singular account of one of its monks, 177.
Malmesbury, John abbat of, his character, 509.
Malmesbury, William monk of, his motives for writing history, 1; his history of Glastonbury, 21; his love of learning and fondness for books, 93; of Norman and English parentage, 258; his diffidence, 414; first regular historian of the English after Bede, 477; three small volumes of his works supposed to be lost, 480, note, residence at Malmesbury, 28; indignation at oppression of his monastery, 78, 98, 146, 508; his design of writing the lives of the prelates, 148.
Magus, Simon, legend of, 180, note.
Mancus, value of, 82, note.
Manse, signification of, 108, note.
Marchio, its signification, 517, note.
Margaret, wife of Malcolm king of Scots, her issue, 253; her piety and death, 333.
Martin, St. his relics cure a leprous person, 116.
Matilda, wife of William I, 265, 305.
Matilda, wife of Henry I, account of, 253, 428; her piety, learning, and death, 452.
Matilda, or Maud, married to Henry V, 457; returns to England, 481; succession of England settled on her, 482; married to Fulco earl of Anjou, 483; succession again confirmed to her, 487; elected queen, 519; designs of, 531; escape from Oxford, 535.
Maurilius of Feschamp, account of, 301.
Mayors of the palace, 64, note.
Maximus, assumes the empire, 6; his expedition to Gaul, and death, ib.
Mellent, Robert earl of, account of, 441.
Mercia, kings of, 70; extent of, 92; Mercians unite with the Danes, 112; their noble stand in favour of Ethelred, 192.
Mice, singular tales concerning, 316, 317.
Milburga, abbess of Wenlock, 243.
Miles, ambiguity of that term, 289, note; 499.
Miracles, Oswald's, 49; of pope Leo III, 65; of St. Martin, 116; St. Edward's, 164; of St. Magnus, 182; of Ethelred and Ethelbert, 238; of St. Kenelm, ib. St. Wistan, 239; St. Edmund, 240; St. Milburga, 243; Eadburga, 244; Editha, 245; of Edward the Confessor, 248.
Money, debased state of in time of king Stephen, 511.
Montgomerie, Roger, conspires against William II, 329.
Morcar, son of Elgar, made earl of Northumbria, 223; defeated by Danes, 256; his death, 285.
Moreton, William earl of, rebels against Henry I, 431.
Mountain, perforated, tale of, 178.
Murrain, dreadful, 417.

Necromancy, 180, 232.
Nice, in Bithynia, siege of, 366, 377.
Nidering, or Nithing, signification of, 330.
Normandy, granted to RoUo, 125; distracted state of, 260, 331, 422, 431