Page:William of Malmesbury's Chronicle.djvu/563

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Salisbury, tempest at, 343; cathedral, 442.
Saracens, their learning and divination, 173. Defeat of at Ascalon, 407.
Saxons, invited over from Germany, 7.
Saxons, East, kingdom of, 90. Its extent, 92.
Saxons, West kingdom of, 17. Its extent, 92.
Schools instituted in East Anglia, 88.
Scotland, subdued by Canute, 199.
Scots, defeated by the Angles, 9. Characterized, 364. Civilized by king David, 434.
Scotus, Johannes, account of, 119.
Scotus, Marianus, account of, 317.
Selsey, monasteiy of, 92. Singular circumstance at, 236.
Sepulchre, holy, church of, 384, 389.
Serlo, bishop of Sees, trims the beard of Henry I, 445, note.
Serlo, abbat of Gloucester, account of, 471.
Severus, dies in Britain, 5.
Shift of the Virgin, confounds the Danes, 125.
Ship, a magnificent, presented to Athelstan, 134.
Shoes with curved points, 337, note.
Sibilla, duchess of Normandy, 421, note.
Sigebert, king of Wessex, 38. His death, ib.
Sigebert, king of East Anglia, 89.
Sighelm, bishop of Sherborne, sent to India by Alfred, 118.
Simony, its extensive spread, 357.
Siric, abp. of Canterbury, 167.
Sithtric, king of Northumbria, 129, 132.
Siward, earl of Northumbria, kills Macbeth, 214. Supports Edward the Confessor, 219.
Siward, king of Norway, winters in England, 444. His voyage to Jerusalem, ib.
Slaves, female, prostituted and sent to Denmark, 222. Custom of selling, 279.
Sleepers, seven, story of, 250, note.
Solyman, sovereign of Romania, his army defeated, 376. Defeats the Franks, 408.
Sow, a warlike engine so called, 388.
Spear of Charlemagne, which pierced our Saviour, 135.
Spike, used at the Crucifixion, 135.
Statue, in the Campus Martius, 176.
Statue, brazen, at Rome, story of, 232.
Stephen, earl of Moreton, account of, 482. Comes to England and is chosen king, 490. Crowned, and goes into Scotland, 491. His character, 495. His perfidy to Robert, earl of Gloucester, 496. His violent conduct, 500. Contest with his brother the legate, 504. Conflicts with the Empress's party, 506, 507. Besieges Lincoln, 514. Defeated and made captive, 515. Liberated, 524. Plunders Wareham, 533. Burns Oxford, ib.
Stigand, bishop of Winton, 221, 253, 281, 302.
Sugar-cane, account of, 397, note.
Suger, abbat of St. Denis, his account of Henry I, 446, note.
Sultan, meaning of that term, 379.
Superstition, singular, 122, and note.
Sussex, kingdom of, 92, note.
Sweyn, king of Denmark, invades England, 185. His conduct, 189, and death, 190.
Sweyn, son of Godwin, 219, 222. Goes to Jerusalem and is killed by the Saracens, ib.
Swithun, St., bishop of Winchester, 98.
Sword, miraculous, Athelstan's, 130; Constantine's, 135.

Tancred, prince of Antioch, enters Bethlehem, 383; his covetousness, 390; his conduct and death, 419.
Tewkesbury, monastery of, 433.
Thanet, isle of, appropriated to the Angles on their arrival, 9.
Thanet, monastery of, minster, 15.
Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury, 15, note, 51.
Thorns, crown of, 136.
Thurkill, the Dane, invites Sweyn, to England, 185; his expulsion and death, 197.
Time, division of by candle, 121.
Tirel, Walter, kills W. Rufus, 345.
Tosty, son of Godwin, expelled by the Northumbrians, 222; retires to Flanders, 223; his attempts against Harold, 256; defeated and slain, 257, 285.
Tower of London, its origin, 341.
Truce of God, why so called, 358, note.
Tudites, or Martel, Carolus, 64; his body carried off by evil spirits, 232.
Turks, their extensive dominion, 360; crafty mode of fight, 361; cruelty at the siege of Nice, 376; at Antioch, 379; defeated near Berith, 401; bodies burnt to obtain money they had swallowed, 406, note; besiege Baldwin at Rama, 284.

Vavassour, meaning of, 510, note.
Vallery, St., his body brought forth to implore a wind, 273.
Ver, Albric de, his harangue in favour of king Stephen, 502.
Vindelici, account of, 208.
Virginity, Aldhelm's commendation of, 29, 36.
Visions, of Charles king of France, 102; of Athelstan's mother, 139; of Edgar, 156; of Edward Confessor, 249; of Constantine the Great, 372.
Vortigern, his character, 7, 11.
Vortimer, the son of Vortigern, 10.
Ulfkytel, earl of Essex, attacks the Danes at Thetford, 69; killed at Assingdon, 170, 194.
Urban II, pope, 299; instigates the first crusade, 357; his speech at the council of Clermont, 359; contests with Guibert, 414.
Utred, earl of Northumbria, 192; defeated and put to death by Canute, 193.

Waher, Ralph de, rebels against William I, 287.