Page:Williams and Calvert, Fiji and the Fijians, New York, 1860.djvu/15

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CONTEIJTS. VU PAGB Plunge into Murimuria— Mbnrotu— Occnpations of Mbnla— Few reach Immortality— ■Witchcraft — Various Spells— Preventions— Punishment— Ordeal— Simple Conceit — Vari- ous Superstitions— Traditions— Creation of Man— Other Accounts— Great Flood— Fijian Babel — Translation of Kerukeru. CHAPTEE VIIL— Langttagb and Liteeatitre 200 Malayo-Polynesian Tongues— Their principal Features— Fijian — ^Its Dialects— Vowels — Diphthongs— Consonants— Articles— Nouns— Diminutives —Gender — Number — Cases — Adjectives— Pronouns— Eemarkable Peculiarities— Numerals— Verbs — Tense and Mood — Other Parts of Speech — Syntax — Distinction in the Genitive — Verbal Eesources — Liter- ature-Grammar and Dictionary— Eev. David Hazlewood— Eov. John W. Appleyard— Hopes for the Future. PART II. MISSION HISTOET. CHAPTEE I. — Begiknings— Lakemba and Eewa 213 II.— SoMosoMO 238 III.— Ono 252 IV.— Lakemba 282 v.— Eewa 330 VI.— Mission Ship, General Sttpeeintendent, College, etc., 876 VII. —Printing, Translation, and Publishing 884 VIII. — ViwA AND Mb Air 893 IX.— Mbita 493 X.— Nandi 530 XI.— 1. EOTTTMA.— 2. Natttb Aqbnts.— 8, CONCLtrSION 545