Page:Williams and Calvert, Fiji and the Fijians, New York, 1860.djvu/302

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272 FIJI AND THE FIJIANS. In his prayer, while referring to the redemption by the blood of Christ, he said : " We do not wish to snatch from Thee the life Thou hast given. Do with us as seems good." All responded heartily, and the movement was overpowering. The Missionary asked some to tell their Christian experience. Thomas Thiri said : " I know that God has justified me through the sacred blood of Jesus. I know assuredly that I am reconciled to God. I know of the work of God in my soul. The sacred Spirit makes it clear to me. I wish to preach the Gospel, that others also may know Jesus." Zechariah Wavoli said : " The Spirit works mightily in my soul. I love all men, especially the servants of God." William Eaivakatuku was asked whether he was afraid of death.. He replied : " I listen only to God. If He appoints me to die, I am not in the least afraid." Julius Mbajinikeli said : " One good thing I know, — the sacred blood of Jesus. I desire nothing else." Silas Faone said : " I have a rejoicing heart. I greatly rejoice. When in Tonga, I had the love of God, but it was not complete. In Kewa I had it also. Now, in Ono, my love is perfected. It is full ! I wish only to live to God through Jesus." From among the eighty-one men who had been employed by Silas, ten were selected as Local Preachers, eight of whom were to accom- pany the Missionary, to be sent to different parts of Fiji. The rest were made Prayer-Leaders. These eight were quite cheerful about leaving ; and the meeting was closed with prayer. Several prayed, and all were deeply moved, especially when Silas exclaimed, with simple fervour, " They go. They are free to go. We stay on this small isl- and agreeably to Thy will. We 2vould all go, Thou Icnowest, to make known the good tidings." In the evening the Missionary visited a Local Preacher who had been ill for three years. In reply to the question, " Are you afraid to die 1 " the good man said, with great calmness and simplicity, " No. I am sheltered. The great Saviour died for me. The Lord's wrath is removed. I am His." To another remark he answered, " Death is a fearfully great thing, but I fear it not. There is a Saviour below the skies." The next day was Sunday, when the Missionary, though very poorly, preached in the morning, and afterwards administered the sacrament of the Lord's Supper to nearly three hundred communicants. Afler sleep- ing awhile, he held a love-feast in the afternoon, at which many spoke