Page:Williams and Calvert, Fiji and the Fijians, New York, 1860.djvu/589

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EOTUMA. — ^NATIVE AGEITTS. — CONCLTTSION. 551 much more is to be done ! There is in Fiji, in this Year of Grace one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, as horrible cannibalism as ever ; the infirm are still buried alive ; widows are still strangled ; infanticide is still a recognised institution ; and the treacheries and cruelties of war still pollute and scourge many parts of the group. The wail of suffering and the savage yells of crime still mingle with the " new song," which has begun to rise from Fiji. Is the sound of joy to prevail 1 Is the reproach of Fiji to be taken away ? and shall the Gos- pel, which has already cleansed so many of her stains, complete the work, until she shall stand before God, adorned with the beauties of holiness, and be no more an outcast from the brotherhood of the nations ? A little band of noble men and women, toiling and suffering in those distant islands, say, " It shall be so, ' for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it : ' trusting in this, we have given our lives, our all. But the work is too great for us. When will help come ? " Let the Christians of Britain and Australia, make answer to God and their consciences. THE END,