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the imagination, but from some natural loathing, such as is often perceptible in children, for particular kinds of victuals, which, though not distasteful, yet, from a weakness of the digestive organs, are disgorged as soon as swallowed.

Antipathies, in general, owe their origin to objects which are conceived to be dangerous; to a terror of imaginary disasters; to a squeamish delicacy; and to a rooted dislike of things supposed to be detrimental. Those of children are to be conquered by teaching them the means of defence and security, or the methods of avoiding the influence of noxious agents; and, when age has strengthened the judgment, by demonstrating to them the nature and properties of those natural bodies, or phenomena, which they fear, they will thus gradually overcome their early prejudices and antipathies.—See Sympathy.

ANTIQUITIES is a term signifying those testimonies, or authentic records of the early ages, which are transmitted to posterity by tradition.

The study of antiquities forms a very extensive science, including an historical survey of the ancient edifices, magistrates, offices, habiliments, manners, customs, ceremonies, religious institutions, &c. of the various nations of the earth. It is equally useful and interesting to the lawyer, physician, and divine.

Antiquarian science may be divided into sacred and profane, public and private, universal and particular.

The antiquities of Greece and Rome attract the curiosity of every scolar; and though including the history of the Jews, Egyptians, Persians, Phœnicians, Carthaginians, and in short, every celebrated nation, they, by no means, contain the whole of this branch of learning. For, if to the general be added a particular acquaintance with statues, bas reliefs, medals, paintings, and the venerable remains of ancient architecture, this aggregate information constitutes a very interesting and extensive science.

To acquire a knowledge of the works of sculpture, statuary, graving, painting, &c. which are called antiques, strict attention ought to be paid to the substance, on which the art has been practised; as wax, clay, wood, ivory, stones, marble, bronze, and every kind of metal: because, on comparing this with the subject, it frequently serves to discriminate the true from the counterfeit specimens.

Many of our great antiquaries (who are not the most skilled in designing) frequently grant the preference to the ancients, rather from prejudice than judgment. That striking peculiarity which to them appears so marvellous in the works of antiquity, is often a mere chimera: for most of the antique figures and statues are totally void of expression, and we can only fancy their characters.

We are, however, greatly indebted to the persevering exertions, and the laudable spirit of inquiry, which have lately been displayed by the Royal Antiquarian Society; inasmuch as the Members of that learned and patriotic body have individually, and collectively, contributed to the acquisition of those valuable materials which are now converted to their proper use. Mr. Burgess, in his ingenious Essay "On the Study of Antiquities,"
