Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 1, 1802).djvu/17

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Bandage, 155
Bandy-legs, ib.
Bane-berries, 156
Bank, ib.
Bank-fence, 157
Banks of Rivers, 158
Banks of the Sea, 159
Bankrupt, 160
Barbel, 161
Barbles, or Barbs, ib.
Barilla, 162
Baring of Trees, 164
Bark, ib.
Barley, 166
Barn, 172
Barn-floors, 174
Barometer, 176
Barrel, 182
Barrenness, ib.
Barter, ib.
Basaltes, 183
Basilicon Ointment, ib.
Basket, 184
Basket-salt, ib.
Bat, ib.
Bath, 185
Bathing, in general, 194
Baths, Dry, ib.
Baths, Medicated, 195
Bath-waters, 196
Bay-salt, 199
Bay-tree, ib.
Bean, 202
Bean, the Kidney, 205
Bear, 206
Beard, 207
Beauty, 208
Beaver, 209
Bed, 210
Bed-room, 211
Bed-stead, 212
Bed-time, 213
Bee, 214
Bee-hives, 216
Bees-wax, 230
Beech-tree, 232
Beech-nut, 233
Beech-mast Oil, 234
Beef, ib.
Beef-tea, 236
Beer, 237
Beestings, 242
Beet, ib.
Beetle, 244
Beggars, 245
Belles Lettres, 246
Bell-flower, 247
Bellows, 248
Belly-ach, ib.
Bene-seed, 249
Bent-grass, ib.
Benzoine, ib.
Berberries, 251
Bere, 252
Bergamot, ib.
Berne-machine, 253
Betony Wood, 254
Bezoar, ib.
Biennial Plants, 255
Bilberry, ib.
Bile, 256
Bill, in Husbandry, 257
——, in Law, ib.
—— in Commerce, ib.
—— Bank, ib.
—— of Exchange, 258
—— of Lading, ib.
—— of Mortality, ib.
—— of Sale, ib.
Bind-weed, 258
Biography, 259
Birch-tree, ib.
Bird, 261
Bird-lime, 263
Bird-cherry, 266
Birds-foot, Common, ib.
Birthwort, Slender, ib.
Biscuit, ib.
Bismuth, 268
Bistort, ib.
Bite of a Mad Dog, 269
Bitter, 272
Bitumens, 273
Black, 274
