Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 2, 1802).djvu/11

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Fox-glove, 330
Fox-tail-grass, 331
Fractures ib.
Freckles, 332
French Mercury, 333
Friction, ib.
Frog, ib.
Frost, 334
Fruit-trees, 338
Frumenty, 342
Frush, ib.
Fuel, 343
Fuller's Earth, 344
Fulling, 345
Fumigation, ib.
Fumitory, 346
Funeral Rites, ib.
Fur, 347
Furnace, ib.
Furrow, 350
Furze, 351
Fustic, 352
Gad-fly, 353
Galbanum, ib.
Gale, 354
Gall, ib.
—— in Sheep, 355
Galling, ib.
Gallon, ib.
Galvanism, ib.
Gamboge, 359
Game, in general, ib.
Game, among Sportsmen, 360
Gaming, ib.
Gangrene, 361
Garden, 362
Garget, 363
Gargil, 364
Gargle, ib.
Gargut, ib.
Garlic, 365
Garter, 366
Gauze, ib.
Gem, 367
Generation, ib.
Gentian, 368
Germander, 368
—————, the Wild, 369
Gid, ib.
Gilding, ib.
Gilead, 370
Gin, ib.
Ginger, 371
Ginseng, 372
Glanders, ib.
Glass, 373
Glauber's-Salt, 375
Glazing, ib.
Gleaning, 377
Glove, 378
Glow-worm, ib.
Glue, ib.
Gnat, 379
Goat, 380
Goat's-beard, 381
Gold, ib.
Golden-rod, 383
Goldfinch, ib.
Gold-fish, ib.
Gold-of-Pleasure, 384.
Goose, ib.
Gooseberry, 385
Goose-foot, 386
Goose-grass, 387
Gourd, 388
Gout, 389
Gout-weed, 391
Grain, 392
Grains, ib.
Granary, ib.
Granate, 394
Granite, ib.
Granulation, 395
Grapes, ib.
Grass, ib.
Grass-hoppers, 397
Grass-wrack, 398
Grates, ib.
Gravel, 399
Gravel, in Medicine, ib.
Gravelling, 400
Grease, in Horses, ib.
Grease of Animals, 401