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proper figures; so that they may, with equal facility, be divested of their saltness and their figure.—Crystallization, therefore, is one of the most important agents in chemistry, as it enables us to discover compound solutions of salts; to ascertain their purity or impurity: and, lastly, to separate drfferent salts from each other.

CUCKOW, the Common, or Cuculus canorus, L. is a native of Africa, whence it visits this country, about the middle of April, and continues here till the end of June, or beginning of July. It is about 14 inches in length, 25 in breadth, and weighs generally about 5 ounces.

This is, perhaps, the most remarkable of the feathered tribe; as it never pairs, nor hatches its own young, but drops one of its eggs in the nests of different birds, especially those of the hedge-sparrow. As soon as the eggs are hatched, the young cuckow, with his broad hollow back, turns out the other eggs, as well as the young sparrows. This inimical conduct is analogous to what daily happens in human life; but it is now ascertained, that the cuckow does not ungratefully destroy its foster-parent; on the contrary, it soon leaves the nest, as its growth is uncommonly rapid, and its appetite extremely voracious, its food consisting almost entirely of animal substances, such as flies, beetles, snails, grasshoppers, catter-pillars, &c. This bird may be, and frequently is, brought up tame, so as to become domesticated. In this state, it will eat bread, milk, fruit, insects, eggs, and flesh, whether dressed or raw. When fat, it is esteemed by epicures as a delicious morsel, being little inferior to the land-rail.

Although Naturalists have formed various conjectures, to account for the peculiar habit of the cuckow, in abandoning its own eggs, yet, we think, such practice is far from being as unnatural as it has been commonly stigmatized. This sagacious creature lays her eggs at intervals of six or eight days; and, therefore, instinctively deposits them in the nests of other birds, because no fowl could support itself for so many weeks, while brooding, nor would it be possible for the cuckow to maintain her voracious offspring.

Cuckow-bread. See Common Wood Sorrel.

Cuckow-pint. See Wake Robin.

CUCUMBER, or Cucumis, L. a genus of exotic plants, consisting of fourteen species, of which the following are the principal:

1. The sativa, or Common Cucumber, which is reared in this country, at three different seasons of the year: 1. On hot-beds, for early fruit; 2. Beneath bell, or hand-glasses, for the middle crop; and 3. On the common ground, when designed for a late crop, or for pickling. The cucumbers gathered before April are unwholesome, on account of their being raised entirely by the heat of dung, without the aid of the sun: those growing after that month, are more salubrious, and are cultivated in the following manner: Towards the latter end of January, a quantity of fresh horse-dung should be procured, with the litter among it, to which a small portion of sea-coal ashes should be added. In the course of four or five days, the
