Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 2, 1802).djvu/129

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C V R CrRRAXT-TUKK.or/i// i* an indigenous plant, comprising (i or 7 species, <>t which tk e the principal : 1. The Ruirum, or common Red Currant, which is found in woods in the northern counties. It jnish white flowers, which blow in the month of May, and are eded by red berries. Its leaves are eaten frv cows, goats, -•ud sheep, but with reluctance by — This plant is very liable to be infested by a species of plant- louse, the Aphis tilt's, the depre- dations of which change the line • n colour of the leaves, that become red, pitted, and shrivelled. The best method of exterminating vermin is, by smoking the bushes with half-burnt wood, or sprinkling them early with decoc- tions of tobacco, or solutions of lime and pot-ash, or simple soap- water. 2 The Alpinum, or Sweet Mountain Currant, which grows wild chiefly in the county of York, and flowers in the month of -May. Its fruit has a flat sweetish taste, and is only relished by children. The wood is so hard and tough, that it makes strong teeth for rakes ; the leaves are eaten by .sheep, goats, and horses. 3. The Nigrum, or Black Cur- rant, which has woolly flowers that blow in the month of May. — Its leaves are eaten by goats and horses. The different species of currants will thrive on almost any soil ; but their fruit is more savoury, when produced in a dry and open ground. They are very easily propagated, by planting slips, or cuttings, at any time from September to March, upon fresh earth, which should be carefully cleared from all weeds CUR dqring the Spring ; and, in dry weather, the young plants > I.- be frequently watered. After standing about two years, they will be fit to be removed to 'those places where tiny are intended to remain; an operation which should be performed when lh< leaves are. just decayed, so that the plants may have time to strike rout before the winter-frosts. If they are de- signed for standards, they should be planted in vows 8 or 10 feet apart, and the trees in each row 4 feet distant from each other ; but the more eligible way is to train them in espaliers, where they take up less room, and their fruit ft - quires a finer flavour. . In this state, they should be placed from 6 to 8 feet apart, and all their branches trained horizontally: the same distance is also- to be allowed them, when set against walls or pales. The fruit of the red and white currants is greatly esteemed for the table. They are nutritive, but should not be too frequently nor abundantly eaten, as they tend to produce flatulency, in persons of relaxed habits and a sedentary life: hence they ought to be consumed together with other food, in which case they are emollient, gentiy laxative, and, in some instances, anodyne. In fevers, the juice of currants, when mixed with an equal quantity of sugar, and made into a jelly, is cooling and grateful to the stomach; being in a slight degree astringent and antiseptic. Currant- Wiiie is an excellent drink during the heat of summer, especially with the addition of wa- ter. Different receipts have been given for making this pleasant be- verage. We selecl the following : Gather the currants when they are fully