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common fences, of which we shall point out the principal: 1. The White-Thorn is the most proper for fences, as it grows quickly, is very durable, and makes a very handsome appearance. It thrives on any soil, where a ditch and a new bank are prepared for its reception, unless the soil consist entirely of sand or gravel: it will nevertheless grow even in such situations, if the planting be succeeded by heavy rains. 2. Black-Thorn is another excellent shrub for a fence: it is, however, much inferior to the white-thorn, as its growth is not so certain; and, where it thrives, its roots spread, and are apt to run in too much upon the land. For dead hedges and mending open places, the bushes of this plant are superior even to the white-thorn; they are likewise less liable to be cropped by cattle. 3. Furze, to which we refer. 4. To these may be added the Holly, which is indeed preferable to either of the plants above-mentioned; for, though its growth is slower, and more uncertain, yet where it succeeds, it amply compensates for the delay and expence incurred, by its thickness, height, and strength.

The best mode of making a fence with these trees is, to plant them with the quick or white-thorn, in the proportion of one of the former to four of the latter. Both will flourish; and, as the hollies increase in size, the white-thorns may be pulled up: so that when the trees have attained their full growth, they will require the whole of the space occupied by the thorns, and will make a most durable fence. If any vacancies should intervene, they may be easily closed, by bending down, and covering the lower branches with earth: thus, they will shoot forth in the ensuing year, and form a barrier impenetrable to cattle.

Beside these, alder, and even elder, make, in certain situations, excellent fences. If sticks or truncheons of the latter, from ten to twelve feet in length, be set in a sloping direction each way, so as to form a kind of chequer-work, they will grow speedily, and continue for several years. This plant is excellently adapted to watery places, as its lowest roots are continually spreading, and thus prevent the banks on which they stand, from being undermined, or washed away by the current.

The last tree which we shall mention is the Horn-beam. It is chiefly used in Germany for the purpose of fencing lands; and is propagated from sets or slips, which are planted on a parapet of earth, with a ditch on each side, in such a direction that every two plants may intersect each other. The bark is then scraped off the place where they meet, and which is covered with hands of straw: in consequence of this operation, the two plants become conjoined, and put forth horizontal slanting shoots, forming a kind of palisade; which, if lopped annually, will render every part of the fence equally impenetrable to men and cattle.—See Hedges.

FENNEL, the Common, or Fennel Dill, Anethum fœniculum, L. a native perennial plant, growing on chalk cliffs, and common on the western coasts. Its yellow flowers appear in July or August.

The tender buds of this aromatic plant are useful in salads; its leaves are boiled, and used in sauces for several kinds of fish, and also eaten raw with pickled salmon, &c.—

no. vii.—vol. ii.