Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 2, 1802).djvu/435

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G R E south-vest. Thus, the warmth of the sun will be reflected from one part of the | ase to the other, during the whole of the day ; and the front will be eff .;ard- ed against the cold northerly winds. in the 2d vol. of" Recreations in Agriculture," Dr. Andbhson pro- ■ to const. in such a manner that it may be I into a hot-house^ w ith- out requiring any additional fuel. Ho then fore recommends the roof to be made of glass, placed in a sloping direction ; and to fix per- pendicular windows on the top of the front wall, so as to raise the lower eaves of such roof consider- ably higher than that of the slates would have been, without elevat- ing the middle of the roof. Ac- ng to his plan, the triangular, perpendicular wall should be com- pl( u ly covered with glass, through which the morning and evening sun may be admitted. In the country, or in houses unconnected with others, he suggests the propriety of bringing perpendicular windows closely down to the floor, both on the east and west ends, in order to receive the benefit of the rising and setting sun. With respect to the conversion of this structure into a stove, or hot- house, Dr. Anderson suppo- to be erected close to the kitchen chimney of an inhabited house. At a small distance from the bot- tom of the chimney, there is to be made a communication with a flue, or stove, which passes beneath, and rises on the opposite side of the green-house, where an appropriate tile is suspended from a lever which, by means of a cord fastened to its extremity, may at pleasure drop this cover on the top of the tube or flue, sod thus prevent the smoke GRE [403 from ascending ; the bottom of the 1 being lined with pie< < thick cloth, so that it may apply ly and become air-tight. A valve is likewise placed in the chimney-, which turns on a pivot, either to allow the smoke a free r to impel it into the flue, whence, after parting with its heat, it is either suffered to escape at the top, or is reverberat- ed, accordingly as the covering tile before alluded to, is shut or opened. For a more ample account of this project, we refer the reader to the, 2d vol. of Dr. Anderson's in- structive work above cited, where it is illustrated by cuts. — We have here given an oudine of his plan, because it is ingenious, and may lead to farther improvements. With respect to the management of plants in green-houses, Mor- timer recommends occasionally to open the mould in which they an; set, to scatter a little fresh earth on the pots, and over this to lay a little dung. It will also be advisable to water them, when the leaves begin to curl or wither ; and to pluck off such as are decayed ; but these ope- rations should not be too frequently repeated. — See Hot-house. GREEN-SlCKNESS, or Chlo- rosis, a disorder which frequently attacks females after the age of puberty. It is attended with a de- praved appetite, and a desire to eat substances that are not food, such as chalk, ashes, salt, &c. 5 the skin is pale and discoloured; the face sallow or greenish, but sometimes of a livid hue ; there is a deficiency of blood in the veins ; with a soft swelling of the whole body, espe- cially the legs during the night ; debility ; palpitation } and suppres- sion of catamenia. Causes. — A sedentary life; scan- D d 2 ty,