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five-yard lands, exclusive of the furrows: but they may be adapted to any size required. The horses may likewise be set to draw abreast, or where the soil is very wet and heavy, to follow each other in the furrow, and thus to prevent the land from poaching. The patentee is of opinion, that a considerable saving might be made both in seed, and in the labour of horses, three of which are said to be fully sufficient, where other harrows require four. His implement may also be employed as a rake, or for any similar purpose.

From the great importance of harrows in tillage, we have been induced to extend this article to a considerable length.—Although we do not pretend to decide on the relative value and practical utility of the different inventions or improvements before specified, yet we should probably select the implements contrived by Mr. Sandilands, without prejudice, however, to the merits of the rest, which are doubtless calculated to be eminently useful in different soils and situations.

HARTFELL-WATER, is a vitriolated chalybeate spring, which arises from a lofty mountain of the same name, about five miles from Moffat, in the county of Annandale, Scotland.

The rock abounds with iron pyrites, aluminous schistus, and argillaceous stone, mixed with iron in different states. From the decomposition of these materials, the spring acquires its medicinal properties.

When first drawn from the spring, the Hartfell-water appears perfectly clear, but it deposits gradually part of its ferruginous ingredient, even when closely corked; it retains, nevertheless, a large quantity of iron in solution, and has a strong astringent taste, similar to that of ink. If it be preserved in close bottles, its properties remain undiminished for a considerable time.

This spring is said to be of considerable service in curing several obstinate disorders of the stomach and bowels; in dysenteric complaints, as well as in several periods of pulmonary consumption; and in all cases of general debility. Much benefit has likewise been derived from the use of this vitriolatcd mineral spring, when employed both internally, and as an external application, in old and languid ulcers.

The sensible effects of the Hartfell-water are sometimes giddiness and sickness, especially when a larger portion has been swallowed than the stomach can support. Hence, persons of delicate and irritable habits should at first take very small doses; for too large a draught is frequently rejected by the stomach, and occasions gripings in the intestines: hence it ought never to be employed as a direct purgative. An English pint is about the quantity which the generality of patients may safely consume in the course of a day, though its use may with advantage be continued for a considerable time. To render it, however, more suitable to weakly habits, it will be advisable to warm the water before it is drunk, as the difference of temperature will produce no material change in its medicinal properties.

Hartshorn. See Buckthorn Plantain.

HARTS' HORNS, are the horns of the common male red deer.—

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