Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 2, 1802).djvu/499

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Ho i; ,7 -. Invented by Mr. Mark. .et, ofKihcr, Siuivy : H O E UM This hce is furnished with a ring or loop, as above represented, near the bottom or" the handle, for hold- ing a strap, which is fastened round the waist ot the persons at work, as they walk backwards. It is eminently useful for cleaning crops of every description, whether drill- ed or hand-set in rows. Mr. Ducket has judiciou'siy availed himself of a short handle, and heavy iron work, the exact re- verse of the common hoc, which requires great exertion to make any impression on the soil (excepting on the lightest sands), especially if it has become dry and hard. It i evident from the preceding cut, that Mr. Ducket s hoes, by their cvnxfcx form, earth* op zi well as d'r. n ; thou.di implement mar with straight eflges ; namely, I I or dibbled crops at six inclieS in- terval ; for clearing pease, bearisl &c. at is inches ; and foe dressing crops of an 'ion, at 12 inches interval. — Should tl . from •::< : ddge, be unequal to i stiff Ian 1, Lbrd S jmkrville sug the expediency of addptihg" the conical edge (or the edge opposite to that in the horse-shoe hoe) which will remarkably increase their power. Lastly, his Lordship observes, that three fiat hoes at six inches ; two fiat ones at twelve inches ; and three horse-shoe hoes, form the whole number requisi e -, aind (hat they all screw into thH same frame and handle. The last hand-hoe, we shall no- tice, is constructed on an improved principle, by Mr. James M'Dou- gal, now of Oxford-street, Lon- don j for which the Society for the Ericou I of Arts, &:c. in 17o3, conferred on him a pre- mium of twenty guineas. — This contrivance, which is represented in the annexed cut, consists of two principal parts : the first of them is a beam of wood, which, at its fore-end, "has a semi- circle, forming two handles, be- tween which one man walks, and draws the implement forward. At the other end, this beam is divided, and moves on two small gu-igeons, H h 2 hr