Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 2, 1802).djvu/540

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5 oSj J A U emetics. Should, however, no re- lief be obtained after two or three vomits have been administered, it will be advisable to delay their re- petuioo. Honey, antiscorbutics, aroma- tics bitters, blisters applied to the regions of the liver, have all been found .serviceable in the cure of the jaundice. But, if these remedies fail, as in cases of scirrhous and glandular concretions, recourse can only lx j had to such medicines as may palliate the symptoms. Of this nature are diuretics (which see) ; though, if the pain or irrha- tion of the skin be violent, opiates must be resorted to; and, if the blood has a tendency to dissolution, it roust be counteracted by proper antiseptics,, conjoined with the. in- t< rual use of sal ammoniac. When t:ie disorder was suspected to arise from a rheumatic cause, Dr. Sklli; successfully prescribed the sulphu- rated oil of turpentine, in combina- tion with vitriolic aether j a power- ful medicine, which has even ex- pelled biliary concretions. Should it, however (as often happens), spontaneously disappear, it will be advisable to prevent its return, by a course of tonic remedies, and especially the Peruvian bark. The waters, of Harrogate, Bath, and Pynuont, will also be found very serviceable ; and, if the patient have no opportunity of bathing in I i, allusions of common water may, according to Dr. Sims, be ad antageously substituted. The diet of persona affected with the jaundice, ought to be light, ml diluent j consisting elderly of ripe fruits and mild vegetables : many have been effectually cured by living for several days on ruw ei>gs alone. Butter-milk, whey sweetened with honey, or dicoc- JAW lions of marsh-mallow roots, 3R<^ other aperient vegetables, ought to Constitute the whole of their drink. Gentle and daily exercise in the open air ought by no means to be neglected ; while the mind should be kept serene and cheerful. Jaundice,

horses, a disorder 

which is by Carriers usually called the yellows* It is divided into two species, the. yellow ami the black. In the former kind, the whites of the animal's eyes assume a yellowish cast; his tongue and his lips also partake of the same colour, though in a slighter degree. In the black jaundice, those parts are tinged with a blackish hue. The remedy commonly administered for the cure of this malady, consists of one ounce of viithridate (which see) dissolved in two quarts of strong beer, and given warm to the animal affected, once in twelve hours : by continuing these draughts tor a few davs, the distempei ge- nerally disappears. The jaundice also attacks sheep, and imparts a yellowish cast to their skins. It may be cured, according to Prof. Bradley, by giving them internally some stale human urine, at frequent intervals. JAW, or Jaw-bone, in ana- tomy, is the bone which contains the teeth within their sockets. The jaw is liable- to a variety of disorders, occasioned by colds or other accidents : the most fatal are, 1. The dislocated and frac- tured jaw, the treatment of which,, In ing merely chirurgicaJL is foreign to our purpose ; and, 2. the Lot k- ed Jaw, or Trismus truu main us, which is a spasmodic rigidity chieily of the under jaw. This alarming complaint attacks persons of all ages, and is fre- quently fatal in the .Last and West Indies.