Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 3, 1802).djvu/286

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264] NEW newspapers at present published In the United Kingdom. English Country Papers : At Birmingham, 2 ; Bristol, 5 ; Bath, 3 ; Bury, 1 ; Blackburn, 1 ; Cambridge, 2 ; Canterbury, 2 ; Carlisle, 1 ; Chelmsford, 1 ; Ches- ter, 2 ; County Chronicle, and He- rald (eighty miles round London), 2; Coventry, 1 ; Cumberland, 1 j Derby, ] ; Dorchester, 1 ; Don- caster, 1 ; Essex, I 5 Exeter, 2 ; Gloucester,!; Hampshire,!; Hull, 3 ; Hereford, 1 ; Ipswich, ! ; Lan- caster, 1 ; Leeds, 2 ; Liverpool, 3 ; Leicester, 1 ; Lynn, ! ; Manchester, 3; Maidstone,!; Newcastle, 3; Northampton, 1 ; Norfolk, 1 : Nor- wich, I; Nottingham, 1; Oxford, I; Portsmouth, 2; Reading, 1; Sussex Advertiser, ] j ( Sussex, Hants, Surrey, and Kent) ; Sher- borne, 1 ; Salisbury, 1 ; Sheffield, 1 ; Shrewsbury, 2 ; Stamford, I ; Staffordshire Advertiser, 1 j Wor- cester, 2 j and York, 3. Scotch Papers. At Aberdeen, 1 ; Dumfries, r ; Edinburgh, 8 3 Glasgow 3 ; and at Kelso, 2. Irish Papers. At Atblone, 1 ; Belfast, 1 ; Cork, 3; Clare, 1 ; Clonmell, 1 ; Dublin, 9 ; Drogheda, 1 ; Ennis, 1 j Kerry, 1 ; Limerick, 2 ; Lein- ster, 1 ; Londonderry, 1 j Sligo, ! ; Strabane, 1 ; Watcrford, 1 ; and Wexfordj 1. London Papers. Every Morning — Morning Post ; Morning Chronicle ; Morn- ing Advertiser ; Morning Herald ; Oracle and Daily Advertiser ; Pub- lic Ledger 3 Times 3 and True Bri- ton, NIC Every Evening — Courier'; Star; Sun; and Traveller. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evening — Com- mercial Chronicle; Enghsh Chroni- cle ; General Evening Post 3 Lon- don Evening Post; Express and Herald 3 London Chronicle 5 St. James's Chronicle 3 and yhitehall Evening Post. Every Monday,Wednesday, and Friday Evening — Evening Mail 3 London Packet3 and Lloyd's Evening Post. Every Wednesday — Weekly Register. Every Tuesday and Satur- day — London Gazette (by autho- rity). EveryTuesday and Friday — •<, Courier de Londres. Every third Saturday in the Month — Hue and Ciy (Po- lice Gazette). Every Saturday — Baldwhi's Journal3 Mirror of the Times 3 Old British Spy 3 Say's Craf.sman 3 and Westminster Journal. Every Sunday — Bell's Mes- senger 3 Monitor 3 Observer 3 Re- corder and Reformer; Review 3 Se- le6tor3 and Dispatch. From this enumeration it ap- pears, that in the United Kingdom, there are not less than !53 distinct Newspapers, of which 72 are pub- lished ill the different counties of England, 3Q in the Metropohs, 15 in Scotland, and 27 in Ireland, NICKEL, a semi-metal, the use of which has hitherto been very li- mited. It is rarely found, and al- most exclusively in cobalt-mines. The regains of nickel is in the ore mineralized with sulphur, andmix- ed with iron, cobalt, and arsenic : when dissolved in acids, it affords green crystals : by means of the lixed vegetable alkali, it produces yellow J