Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 3, 1802).djvu/416

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394 "! P L A perennial heibaceous plants : — among the fcnner, there are some that v/ili thrive in the open air, only in the south of Britain ; or, under certain precautions, also iu the northern parts of the island ; and these shrubs are distinguished b-y a small cross +. 1. Shruh. Amygdalus nana ; or Dwarf Al- mond. Azalea muli/lora ; or Red Ame- rican Upright Honeysuclde, a va- riety of the corcinea-^. Cistus ladaniferus ; Labdanum Eock-nise-r. Colutea arlorescens ; Arbores- cent Bastard Sena. Cvlisns sessiUfolius ; Sitting- leaved Tree-trefoil. . Daphne cneorum ; Spear-leaved Daphne, or Spurge Laurel. Erica herbacea ; Herbaceous Heath. Genista trujucfra ; Three-cor- nered Broom, or Dyers Weed. Hiliscus Si/riacus ; . Syrian 2vlal- low. Kalmia anisustifuUa ; Narrow- leaved Kalmiat.

giaiica ; Grey Kalmia +.
— lursuta ; Shaggy or

Hairy Kalniiar. Lutifolia 5 Broad-leaved Kalmia +. Ononis fniticosa j Shrub-like Piest-Harrow. roiiimUfoUa ; Bound- lea >ed Rest-Harrow. Pobji^ala chamauhuxus ; Box- leaved ^Milkwort. Ruiinia hispida ; Bough False Acacia. Rosa vwscc'sa ; !Musk Rose. Ruius oduratus j Scented Brajn- ble. Spartium Junceum , SP'iiush Broom, PL A FilurmimTinus ; Common Lau-. rustinus, or Viburnum +. 2. Hvrlaceous, perennial plants, u-hidijiourish in the open air of this climate. (Bulbous roots are marked with *.) Adonis vernalis ; Perennial, or Verntd Pheasant's-Eye. Ag7-ostenima coronaria ; Single- rose Campion. Allium descendcns; Declining Garlic. AUjssum deltoidcum ; TroVel- shaped Madwort. A/i/ssiun saxatile ; Rock Mad- wort. ; utriculatum ; Hollow Madwort. Amaryllus lutea ; Autumnal Narcissus, or Lily-asphodel. Anemone hepaiica ; Liver-shaped "Windflower. hortensis ; Garden Windflower. si/lvestris ; Wood Windflower. Antheriium liuastrum; Savory Spiderwort. Ant'rrrhinnm ulpinuvi j Alpine Snap-dragon. piirpureum ; Purple Snap-dragon. Apuci/ nnvi andmsaemifoliuin j Blood-leaved Dog"s-bane. Acjiiilegia Canadensis j Canada Columbine. Aral is ulpina j Alpine Bastard- Tower- Mustard. Aster alpiniis; Alpine Starwort. Biilis per amis; Common Daisy, a variety of the major. Buliocodiuni vvrnuw ; Vernal iSIountainSatiVon *. CampaJinla Carpatica ; Carpa- thian Beil-flowtr. grandijiora ; Great

