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The Monthly Reviewers, in their Journal for March 1797, observe that the new French year appears to astronomers better calculated than our own; because its commencement forms a natural date in both the hemispheres, and its four quarter days coincide very nearly with the solstices and equinoxes. The French months, too, are of equal length; and divided regularly by their decades, without a fraction; by which the remembrance of dates, circumstances, &c. is considerably promoted. In the conclusion of their criticism, however, the Reviewers admit that the names are ill-adapted to the months, which are accommodated only to the climate of Paris: hence they are of opinion that these innovations, as well as those respecting weights and measures, ought to have been reserved for discussion in a congress for general pacification.

KELP, a term used to denote a species of pot-ash, employed in glass manufactories for crystallizing the metal.

Kelp consists of the calcined ashes of the sea-wrack and other plants growing on the sea shores, between high and low water-mark. The preparation of this useful article should be commenced in the spring; or, if the burning be delayed till the harvest is far advanced, the rainy season of autumn renders the process more tedious and difficult.—To prepare the materials for producing kelp, the sea-weeds should be cut with hooks or sickles; but the aspect of the shore, together with the time and rapidity of the tides, should be previously ascertained. If the coast be level, the plants may be speedily conveyed by horses and carts to the place where they are to be dried and burnt. On the contrary, when the shore is rugged, a strong rope should be laid at low water, around the cut grass; and, in order to increase the diameter of this rope, the longest sea-plants ought to be twisted round it. With the returning tide, the whole spot thus surrounded will soon be set afloat, and the cut vegetables may be readily collected; for, as the water advances, they may be gradually dragged towards the shore, by means of the rope serving as a net. To facilitate their removal, one end of the cord should be drawn through a ring, applied to the other end, and tightened so as to contract the plants into a small bulk: thus, they may be easily moved along with the tide.—After the herbage has reached the place of its destination, it must be dried in a manner similar to hay; coiled and stacked up for burning; proper care being taken to form the stacks, so as effectually to secure it from the rain.

With respect to the burning or melting of kelp, a process very tedious, and not strictly connected with domestic economy, the inquisitive reader may consult the 12th vol. of the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures; where it is minutely described.

KENNEL, or Channel, generally signifies a small cavily or hollow for conducting water through the streets; but, in its present sense, it is peculiarly applied to denote a house or building for the reception of a pack of hounds.

A kennel ought to be situated on an eminence, in a dry situation, and in the vicinity of a brook or running stream. The strictest cleanliness is necessary, both for promoting the health of hounds, and also to preserve their sense sufficiently
