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pulpy fruit of vegetables, in general, by means of a common still, but more effectually in what is termed a water-bath (balneum maris); after which, the spirituous fluid is purified by repeated rectification; and, when divested of nearly all its aqueous particles, it is called Alkohol.

This expensive liquor is chiefly employed for dissolving gum-resins in the preparation of varnishes; for separating resins from the vegetable matters containing them; and also for making essences, tinctures, elixirs, and various other compounds, for medicinal use. It may, likewise, be applied with advantage to different parts of the body, especially in sprains and bruises; as it strengthens the vessels; but, if inadvertently swallowed in a pure state, and in a large quantity, it corrugates the membranous parts of the stomach; being attended with a temporary suspension of their functions, and sometimes even inducing apoplexy or palsy, which generally ends in death. Hence, spirit of wine ought to be preserved with the greatest caution, so that children or ignorant persons may not have an opportunity of tasting so deleterious a liquor.

Spitting, of Blood. See vol. i. p. 283.

SPLEEN, is a spongy viscus, situated in the left side near the lower part of the stomach, under the ribs. This organ is supposed to be designed by Nature to prepare the blood for the secretion of bile in the liver. Its purpose, though inaccurately known, must be important to the animal economy; as indigestion, and a variety of other complaints, have resulted ffom splenetic affedions.—It deserves to be remarked, that the term Spleen is frequently used to denote a disorder, which is more strictly, by physicians, called hypochondriasis.

The principal diseases of the spleen are inflammations, obstructions, and indurations. In the first case, the causes and symptoms are similar to those described under inflammatory fever (volume iii. p. 12): at the same time, a tumor and pain are felt in the left side; the latter increasing on pressure.—Chronic inflammations of the spleen, however, may also be consequent on diseases of the liver, such as the jaundice, piles, &c. The treatment will, therefore, chiefly consist in the application of the same remedies as are mentioned in the page above quoted; but, where the patient is of a plethoric habit, or was previously subject to the piles, leeches applied to the anus have proved of great service.—Calomel and antimony, taken internally, under judicious management, have likewise been attended with good effects.

If the spleen be obstructed or indurated, a pain and tumor will also be felt on the left side, bearing downward like a weight; the patient finding it difficult to lie down on that side: the bowels are generally costive; and respiration is impeded.—The cure of this affection requires the same method as is recommended for obstructions and scirrhosity of the liver.—See Scirrhus.

SPLEENWORT, or Hart's-Tongue, Asplenium scolopendrium, L. a native perennial, growing in the fissures of moist shady rocks, old walla, and at the mouths of wells; where it flowers in the months of August and September.

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