Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/15

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Bruises, 402
Burweed, the Greater, ib.
Butter, ib.
Butter-cup, 403
Butter-fly, ib.
Calender, ib.
Candle, 404
Canker, ib.
Caoutchouc, 405
Carp, ib.
Carriage, 406
Cart, (with a Cut), 407
Cascarilla, 408
Cattle, ib.
Cauliflower, 409
Cement, ib.
Chafer, 410
Chaffinch, ib.
Chaps, ib.
Cheese, 411
Chemistry, 412
Chicken-pox, ib.
Chocolate-tree, ib.
Clarification, ib.
Cock's-foot-grass, 413
Cord, ib.
Corn, ib.
Corn-flag, 414
Cotton, 415
Cough, ib.
Cream, ib.
Crow-foot, ib.
Cubebs, 416
Cultivator, ib.
Cummin 417
Curd ib.
Curtain, ib.
Cyder, 418
Dewberry-bush, ib.
Diabetes, ib.
Dog's-tail-grass, 419
Dargon's-blood, ib.
Draining, (with a Cut), ib.
Dung, 421
Dung-hills, ib.
Dyeing, 422
Ear, ib.
Ear-wig, 423
Egg, ib.
Elm-trees, ib.
Exercise, (with a Cut), 424
Face-ach, ib.
Film, 425
Flea-locust, ib.
Food of Plants, ib.
Frost, 426
Fruit-trees, ib.
Furnace, 428
Germander, ib.
Gooseberry, ib.
Green, 429
Guinea-corn, ib.
Gum-secretion, ib.
Gum, Yellow, 430
Gymnastics, ib.
Hampstead-water, ib.
Hat, 431
Hawk-moth, ib.
Hiccough, 432
Hog, ib.
Honey-dew, ib.
Horse-chesnut, ib.
Hot-house, ib.
Hyacinth, 433
Insects, ib.
Iron, ib.
Itch, 434
Juniper-tree, ib.
Kilburn-water, 435
Lackey-moth, ib.
Letter, ib.
Liverwort, 436
Lock, 437
Logic, ib.
