Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/198

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remain during the winter at the bottom of swamps and morasses, in a torpid state, till they are recalled into life by the genial warmth of the vernal sun.

SWALLOWING, or Deglutition, is the act of taking any food, whether solid or liquid, down the throat. It succeeds Mastication, and is performed primarily by the tongue, which propels the aliment into the gullet; whence, by the contraction of the muscular parts, the contents are conveyed into the stomach.—See also Digestion.

Deglutition may be impeded or obstructed by various circumstances, such as swellings in the throat, or the taking of acrid, pungent, or pointed substances into the mouth: but, as the most simple and expeditious remedies for such affections have already been pointed out, the reader will consult the articles Gullet, Gargle, Quinsey, Metallic Pointed Substances, &c.

SWALLOW-WORT, the Common, or Asclepias alba v. Vincetoxicum, L. a hardy exotic plant, which is a native of the south of France, Spain, and Italy. In a fresh state, the root of this vegetable possesses a strong smell, resembling that of valerian; to which, however, it is inferior in its sudorific and diuretic properties.

The stalk of the Common Swallow-wort is fibrous, and has on the Continent been employed as a substitute for flax: by mixing it with silk, M. De Biborczfalva, a creditable economist in Hungary, has lately produced a mixed cloth, which was remarkably fine, and cost him about 4s. the yard, English measure; being from 50 to 60 inches wide.

There is another species of this exotic, namely, the Syrian Swallow-wort, or Silk-plant (Asclepias Syriaca, L.) a native of North America, and especially of Virginia. Its strong stalks attain the height of seven feet: the pale purplish flowers appear in June or July; emit an agreeable odour; and are succeeded by large, thick, and rough capsules, the seeds of which are furnished with a long, glossy silk. In this respect, it forms one of the most valuable productions; and, as the experiments lately made in Silesia, fully evince that it may with equal advantage be raised in the more temperate climate of Britain, we strongly recommend its culture, which is generally successful in the most indifferent soils. It may be propagated either by the seeds or roots; vegetating most luxuriantly in a loose, sandy, and rather damp, ground. The seed should be sown in the spring, and the young plants be transplaced into a well-ploughed and manured land, where they must be properly weeded in the succeeding summer, and hoed, after having attained the height of 3 feet. When the principal stem displays the flowers, all the collateral branches and leaves should be carefully removed. The fruit attains to maturity in August, or September; and, as soon as the external rind becomes soft, yellow, and wrinkled, the seed capsule is to be cut off during dry weather, and allowed to burst spontaneously. The dry stalks are next to be separated by the knife, applied closely to the root; the decayed plants must be re-placed by the roots of others; then thinly covered for the winter with long dung; and, in the succeeding spring, the surrounding earth should
