Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/200

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174] SWA SWA which promises to be of great u(i- therefore been induced to givfc thfc lity to the husbandman : we have tollowiiig representation : Fig. 1, is a square frame, which is three feet four inches in Icnglh, from the front to the back part, and four feet three inches in breadth : the timber (ivhen ofjir) is four Indies square, and placed on two wheels, B, B, which are about three feet in diameter, and are designed to sup])ort the prts-* terior part of (he machine. — Mr. Saxj^ilaKds nbscr-es, thatihe old fore u- heels of a chaise may be em- ployed for this purpose, C, C, C, fc, C, C, are six hvlh, or strong pieces of" timber, 5 inches in breadth, and 6 inches thick