Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/22

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2] RUP complaints which has lately become so general, especially among the labouring classes, as to induce be- nevolent persons in the British me- tropolis to institute a society for the rdiirfof the uufortuMtftpoor aflflid- , ed with this malady, under the di- rection of ^Ir. TuRNBULL. The places in which riiptures generally api>ear, are the groin, scrotum, upper and anterior part of the thigh, the navel, and between the abdominal muscles. The tu- mor most frequently consists of a portion either of the intestinal canal, or of the omentum (known by the name of caiilj or sometimes even of both J though instances have oc- curred of the liver, stomach, spleen, bladder, &c. having formed the contents. — From the nature and situation of parts, the different spe- cies are distinguished and named : thiis, a rupttjre is called inguinal, when situated in the groin ; but, when proceeding down to the scro- tam, which is often the case, it re- ceives the appellation of scrotal; v^hen occurring on the thigh, it is termed Jemoral ; and, when the .'ravel is the part 3ffe6.ed,vmlilical. The size of the sac varies according to the stage of the disorder : at the beginning it appears small, but by degrees increases. Sr/mptoms : An elastic white swelling, attended with pain, which becomes more violent on every "exertion^ nausea; vomiting; and obstru6lion of the bowels. When the tumor is produced by a por- tion of the gut, without containing any feces, th^ surface will be found smooth or equal ; and, if compress- ed, quickly resomes its former sizft oh removing tire finger. On the contrary, when hard feces are con- tained in an intestinal rupture of long staliding, ttcy will be obvious RUP from considerable inequalities.— Should a portion, both of intestine and caul, be included in the sac, it will then be unequal and soft ; but, if arising frennthe caui ^h^ jtl>«re wiilbe no.n6stri>«3ii)n »f theboiV£h. The ijiguinal rapture begins in the groin, and gradually descends ihloTTie scrotum, or into the labia vaginae. Th^ feinoral hernia occurs more frequently in women ; and is often mistaken for the former^ hence it is necessary to observer, that thte tumor in the lattet u deeper ; and that the ring of the abdominal muscles, which in this case lies above the swelling, in that of the juguinal kind, entirely sur- rounds the diseased pajt. The event of this malady depends on the nature of the substnnee in- cluded. If the protruded parts be not timely reduced, the most fatal Consequences, such as strifture, inflammation, and mortitication, may be apprehended ; though the portion of uitestiue, thus strangu- lated; be inconsidefablc 5 but, if the caiU alone be propelled, it is seldoni attended with danger ; be- cause this membrane is not of such importance in the animal economy as the viscera and intestines. - Causes : As ruptures uniformly takft place 'in consequence of local debility, it follows, that whatever may have such elFe6t, will also oc- casion a protrusion of parts from their natural situation ; for instance, all violent bodily exercise, singing, crying, lifting heavy burthens,quick and sudden motions, leaping, fall- ing, &c. every forcible compressiort of the abdortiinal viscera by too narrow garments, such as stays, or waistbands. Hence soldiers, Singers, dancers; porters, and wo- rtien of difficult partiirition, are very subjdft to fhi» malady .—In chiU • ■ ' ' dren.