Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/530

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Although the Plates belonging to the Domestic Encyclopædia have not been regularly numbered, yet they should be placed in the following order, so as to front the pages here stated.

1. Floating Baths at Hamburgh - (PI. i.) Vol.1. 189 2. Ditto - - ditto - (PI. 2.) ditto - 190 3. Bedstead for the Sick and Wounded - - - ditto . 212 4. Ice-boais newly invented, &c. - -' ditto - 299 5. One-horse Cart - _ _ _ _ ditto ~ 445 6. Mr. T. Harland's Churn, &c. - - ditto - 525 7. A Weighing Crane, invented by Mr. An- drews _ _ _ _ Vol. II, 94 8. Rev. J. Cooke's Drill Machinery - ditto - 16S 9. Dr. Darwin's Improvements of the Drill Plough (Plate i.) - - - ditto - 172 10. Dr. Darwin's Improvements of the Drill Plough (Plate 2.) - - - ditto - 178 IT. Instruments for recovering the Drowned . ditto - 189 12. Implements of Restoration from Drowning _ ditto - 190 13. American Fire-Engine - - ditto - 284 J4. Portable Machine for loading and unloading Goods - - - - Vol. III. 119 15. Mr. T. Rustall's Family Mill and Boulter ditto - 208 j6. Macliine for Draining Ponds, without disturb- ing the Mud _ _ _ ditto - 420 17. M. Baume's Mill for grinding Potatoes diito - 435 18. American Pump Engine - - ditto - ^^z 19. White Saxifrage (coloured) - - Vol. IV. 25 »o. Mr. Antis's Improved Spinning Wheel - ditto - 116 zi. Mr. Robert Salmon's Improved Machine for cutting Straw _ _ _ ditto -- 1^2 az. Count RiEiCH's newly. invented Straw-cutter ditto - jrj 2^ Mr. Andrew Meikle's Improved Thrash- ing Machine _ _ _ ditto - 209 84. Mr. Besant's Undershot Water-wheel, &c. ditto - 248 a5.. Wabhirig Machine, invented in Germany - ditto - 290 a6. Mr. H.Sar J E ant's Machinefor raising Water ditto - 297 Xj. Rev. T. C. Running's Turnip Drill, &c, (Plate I. Suppl.) - - - ditto - 416 aS. Messrs. T. and J. Polfreeman's Improved Winnowing Machine - - - ditto - 454 Printed by B. M'Millan, Z Bow'Street, Covent.Carden. S