Page:Wilson - The Boss of Little Arcady (1905).djvu/139

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The conclusions which Big Joe drew, such as they were, he was unable to communicate intelligibly until the morrow, for the train was late and they drank of the liquor until the Colonel had time to lament his improvidence in bringing away so little of it. And by the time Big Joe's report was abroad, both the Banner and the Argus were out. The item in the latter concerning Mrs. Potts had been only a little altered.

"Mrs. J. Rodney Potts, wife of Colonel J. Rodney Potts, until yesterday a resident of this town, will arrive here next Thursday from Boston, Massachusetts, to make her home among us. She is an estimable and cultured lady, and we bespeak for her a warm welcome to this garden-spot of the mid-West."

Across the top of the Banner's first page was its campaign slogan as usual:—

"Potts Forever! Potts the Coming Man!"

Across the top of the Argus in similar type ran the pregnant line:—

"Potts Forever, but Mayne For County Judge. The Trouble with The Coming Man is that he's Gone!"