Page:Wiltshire, Extracted from Domesday Book.djvu/105

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church in the time of King Canute. Here are 46 ploughlands and a half. Thirty of theſe hides are in demeſne, wherein are 13 ploughlands and 14. ſervants. Sixty-four villagers and 27 borderers occupy 17 ploughlands. Seven mills pay 60 ſhillings, and there are 60 acres of meadow. The paſture is 3 miles long, and a mile and a half broad. The wood is 2 miles and a quarter long, and 3 quarters of a mile broad. William de Braiofe holds of the lands of this manor 14 hides; Waleran 5 hides; Radulfus 5 hides; Anſgotus 3 hides and a half; and the King has in his foreſt 4 hides. The church of this manor has 4 hides, and all theſe hold under the biſhop. Thoſe, who held theſe lands T.R.E. could not remove themſelves from the ſervices of the church. When Biſhop Walchelin took poſſeſſion of this manor, it was valued at 60 pounds. At preſent, what is in demeſne is worth 80 pounds; what is held by military ſervice, 23; what is held by the church, 3 pounds.

2. The