Page:Windsor Forest - Pope (1720).djvu/25

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Grav'd on his urn, appear'd the Moon that guides
His swelling waters, and alternate tydes;
The figur'd streams in waves of silver roll'd,
And on their banks Augusta rose in gold.
Around his throne the sea-born brothers stood,
That swell with tributary urns his flood.
First the fam'd authors of his ancient name,
The winding Isis and the fruitful Tame:
The Kennet swift, for silver Eels renown'd:
The Loddon flow, with verdant alders crown'd;
Cole, whose clear streams his flowry islands lave;
And chalky Wey, that rolls a milky wave:
The blue, transparent Vandalis appears;
The gulphy Lee his sedgy tresses rears:
And sullen Mole that hides his diving flood;
And silent Darent, stain'd with Danish blood.
