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( 13 )

In ANNA's plac't, with Sympathetic Flame,
And Mutual Endearments, all her Joys,
Like the kind Turtles pure untainted Love,
Center in Him, who shares the grateful Hearts.
Of Loyal Subjects, with his Sov'reign QUEEN;
For by his Prudent Care, united shores
Were sav'd from Hostile Fleets Invasion dire.

The Hero Malbro next, whose vast Exploits
Fames Clarion sounds, fresh Laurels, Triumphs new
We wish, like those he won at Hockstet's Field.

Next Devonshire Illustrious, who from Race
Of Noblest Patriots sprung, whole Soul's endow'd,
And is with ev'ry Vertuous gift Adorn'd
That shon in his most worthy Ancestors,
For then distinct in sep'rate Breasts were seen
Virtues distinct, but all in him unite.

Prudent Godolphin, of the Nations weal
Frugal, but free and gen'rous of his own.
Next Crowns the Bowl, with Faithful Sunderland,
And Halifax, the Muses darling Song,
In whom Conspicuous, with full Lustre shine
The surest Judgment, and the brightest Wit,
Himself Mecænas and a Flaccus too,
And all the Worthies of the British Realm
