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( 4 )

A kindly warmth diffusing, Youthful fires
Gild his dim Eyes, and paint with ruddy hue
His Wrizzled Visage, ghastly wan before:
Cordial restorative to mortal Man
With copious Hand by bounteous Gods bestow'd.

Bacchus Divine, aid my adventrous Song,
That with no middle flight intends to soar.
Inspir'd, Sublime on Pegasean Wing
By thee upborn, I draw Miltonic Air.

When fumy Vapours clog our loaded Brows
With furrow'd Frowns, when stupid downcast Eyes
Th's external Symptoms of remorse within,
Our Grief express, or when in sullen Dumps
With Head Incumbent on Expanded Palm,
Moaping we sit, in silent sorrow drown'd:
Whether Inviegling Hymen has trapand
Th' unwary Youth, and ty'd the Gordian Knot
Of jangling Wedlock Indissoluble;
Worried all Day by loud Xantippes Din,
And when the gentle Dew of sleep inclines
With slumbrous Weight his Eye-lids She inflam'd
With Uncloy'd Lust, and Itch Insatiable,
His Stock exhausted, still yells on for more;
