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( 7 )

With gazing Pleasure and Astonishment
At Paradice, (Seat of our antient fire,)
He thinks himself arriv'd, the Purple Grape
In largest Clusters Pendant, grace the Vines
Innumerous, in Fields Grottesque and Wild
They with Implicit Curles the Oak entwine,
And load with Fruit Divine her spreading Boughs;
Sight most delicious, not an Irksom Thought,
Or of left native Isle, or absent Friends,
Or dearest Wife, or tender sucking Babe,
His kindly treach'rous mem'ry now presents;
The Jovial God has left no room for Cares.

Celestial Liquor, thou that didst inspire
Maro and Flaccus, and the Grecian Bard,
With lofty Numbers, and Heroic strains
Unparalell'd, with Eloquence profound,
And Arguments Convincive didst enforce
Fam'd Tully, and Demosthenes Renown'd:
Ennius first fam'd in Latin Song, in vain
Drew Heliconian Streams, Ungrateful whet
To Jaded Muse, and oft' with vain attempt
Heroic Acts in Flagging Numbers dull
With pains essay'd, but abject still and low,
His Unrecruited Muse could never reach
The mighty Theme, till from the Purple Font
