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The Broken Circuit Re-united.

is the use of a fellow shaving off his hair, I would like to know, if such things as these will happen?"

"It is no. use fighting against Nature!" laughed Cyn. "Romance always has been since the world was, and always will be, I suppose. Your turn will come, Jo! I have no doubt we shall see you a long-haired, cadaverous, sentimental artist yet!"

"Never!" cried Jo heroically. "But you must confess that this affair is taking undue advantage of a fellow. A wired romance is something entirely unexpected!"

"And besides, viewed telegraphically, there is nothing at all romantic in the whole affair!" said Nattie, who, between her confusion at the turn the conversation had taken, and her alarm lest something should be said about that chubby Cupid—whom it will be remembered she had suppressed in her former description to "C"—was decidedly embarrassed.

Before Jo could express his satisfaction at this statement, Clem exclaimed, reproachfully,

"Oh! do not say that! not even to spare our friend's feelings can I deny the romance of our acquaintance."

"I quite agree with you," said Cyn; "I really believe Nat is going over to Jo's ideas. Never