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Miss Kling Telegraphically Baffled.

Having bade "Em" good-by, and closed the key, he said to Nattie, verbally, "We ought to have a private wire of our own, since a wire is so necessary to our happiness! I see," glancing around the office, "that you have an extra key and sounder here."

"Yes;" Nattie replied, "we had at one time a railroad wire, and when it was taken out, the instruments were left, and have been here ever since."

"Do you suppose you could take them home—to practice on, say?" queried Clem, a sparkle in his brown eyes.

"Doubtless, if I asked permission, they would allow me that privilege; why?" asked Nattie, curiously.

"I have a brilliant idea!" replied Clem, gayly.

"But do not be alarmed, I am used to it, as Quimby would say; it is this. I myself have a key and sounder, relics of college days, beauties, too, and if you can take home those over there, we will have telegraphic communication from your room to ours, immediately. The wire and battery I will fix all right, and when Cyn is out, and you can't come over, and at odd times, we will have some of our old chats."

"But," said Nattie, hesitatingly, although evi-