Page:Wisconsin Rapids directory (1921).djvu/230

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THE NEW MEAT MARKET JOHN H. BRANDT, Prop. Tel. 400. Corner Second and Vine Streets 230 1921 STERLING DIRECTORY SERVICE VAU?zHAN BYRDE M (Mae) Lawyer 115 S 2d St Tel 572 h Riverdale Farm S 3d St Tel 979 (See opp. page 340) Vaughan Carl V auto mech Wm Schill Motor Car Co b River- dale Farm tel 979 Vaughan Katherine R sten B M Vaughn notary public 113 S 2d st tel 572 b B M Vaughan tel 979 Vaughn Matilda Mrs tailoress Johnson & Hill Co b 334 7th av S Vaughn Wm (Matilda) h 334 7th av S Vedetz James H (Josephine) h 225 Goggins Viertel Natalie student b 208 S 4th st tel 371 OAREY I)ONORETE 00. Trim Stone-Burial Vaults and Speolalties Office 34? Grand Ave. Plant 17th Avenue Telephone 546 Wisconsin Rapids Telephone 1114 Water Proof Plain Cast and Granite Faced Building Stone Viertiel Pauline tchr Emerson Sch b 430 4th av N tel 11 Vincent Sylvester W (Elzorah) emp Con W P & P Co h 541 Lincoln tel blue 584 Virtel Josephine dom 871 S 3d st Virum Adolph (Marie) lab h 721 N 1st st Virum Nels b 721 N 1st st Vogel Ervin J clectn Con W P & P Co b 321 Oak tel 1028 Voigt Rudolph (Minnie) lab h 219 Lincoln Vollert Ella J dom 341 1st av S Vollert Fred C (Anna D) emp Con W P & P Co h 330 13th. av N tel blue 1047 Vollert Hans (Isabelle) driver W R Delivery Co h 109 19th av S Voskamp Emil (Bertha) tchr h 219 S 11th st tel blue 1113 "SAFETY' FIRST -' - ..SERVICE NEXT" HABECK TAXI LINE Phone Office 633 Home 9 Wisconsin Rapids