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of my soul since Thou art its true Physician, Who givest me Thy body and blood in this Blessed Sacrament as a sovereign medicine for all my infirmities. Dispel the darkness of ignorance from my understanding by Thy heavenly light; banish the corruption and malice of my will by the fire of Thy divine love; subdue in me all evil passions and help me especially to overcome my predominant fault; stand by me in all temptations of the devil, the world, and the flesh, that I may not fall into their snares. Increase my faith and grant that in my daily life I may be guided by Thy example and the maxims of Thy holy Gospel. Teach me to be poor in spirit; to place no value upon the world's transitory pleasures and honors; to be meek and humble of heart and in patience to possess my soul; to love Thee more and more and to walk always in Thy presence; to be kind and generous to my neighbor; to strive earnestly to advance every day in holiness and perfection. May Thy holy will be accomplished in me. Grant me, above all, the grace of final perseverance, that I may become a saint.

O Mary, immaculate Mother of God! All ye angels and saints of heaven! unite your prayers with mine as you stand before the throne of divine grace, and, above all, pray