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After devotion to the Passion and the Blessed Sacrament would come devotion to the Sacred Heart. This devotion always existed in the Church, but, in its earliest ages, it was confined to what I may call highly educated, refined souls. It has become the great popular devotion. At the same time, these three devotions are so intertwined, so logically connected, as to be inseparable. It would scarcely be possible for a person to have devotion to the Passion and Blessed Sacrament without having devotion to the Sacred Heart, and vice versa. On the one hand. Our Lord, in those revelations made to the Blessed Margaret Mary, always speaks of Calvary and the Blessed Sacrament as the great outcomes of the love of His Sacred Heart for man; while, on the other, when I seek the reason for devotion to the Sacred Heart, I at once find it in that great heart-love which made Him die for and remain forever with me in the Blessed Sacrament.

Besides keeping well in mind that the end of devotion is to become one by imitation with the object loved, these three devotions are the best for this purpose, because they bring us into personal contact with Our Lord, and