Page:Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922.djvu/199

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example of, 4.45 (2)
expression for general term of, 5.2522
general term of, 4.1273 (2)
needs variables, 4.1273
of truth functions, 5.1 (1)
progress from term to term of, 5.252

Freedom of the will, 5.1362 (1)

Frege, 3.143, 3.318, 3.325, 4.063 (1), 4.1272 (8), 4-1273, 4.4431, 5.02 (3), 5.132 (4), 5.42, 5.451, 5.4733 (1), 5.521, 6.1271, 6.232 (1)

Frequency, of occurrence of events, 5.154 (1)

"Function", a formal concept, 4.1273 (7, 8)


and composition, 5.47 (3)
cannot be its own argument, 3333. 5.251
cannot present formal concepts, 4.126 (4)
distinct from operation, 5.25 (3)
elementary proposition is a, of names 4.24 (2)
proposition is a, of names, 3.318, 4.24 (2)

Future, no knowledge of, 6.26311


accidental, 6.031 (2), 6.1232
concept of, separated from truth-function, 5.521
needed in mathematics, 6.031 (2)
opposed to accidental generality, 6.1232
how shown, 5.1311 (2)
how symbolized, 4.0411
its notation contains a prototype, 3.24 (3). 5.522
symbol for, occurs as an argument, 5.523
symbolism for, makes constants prominent, 5.522
refers to logical prototype, 5.522

Geometrical place, and possibility, 3.41 1

Geometry, as a priori, 6.35 (1)

God, 6.432, 6.372 (1)

"Green is green", 3.323 (3)

Hertz, 4.04 (2), 6.361

Hieroglyphic writing, 4.016

Idealists, their explanation of seeing spatial relations, 4.0412


cannot be asserted, 6.2322
criticism of Russell's definition of, 5.5302
how expressed, 5.53, 5.531, 5.532. 5.5321
not a property, 5.473 (2)
not a relation between objects, 5.5301 (1)
of sign-tokens, 3.203
sign of
dispensable, 5.533, 6.232 (2)
its meaning, 4.241 (2)

Immortality, 6.4312 (1)

Inconceivability, and internality of properties, 4.123

Independence, of propositions, defined, 5.152 (1)

Index (of a name)

explained, 5.02
confused with argument, 5.02 (3)


as assumption of simplicity, 6.363
has only psychological foundation, 6.3631 (1)