Page:Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922.djvu/208

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Sense — continued

how determined, 4.063 (2)
independent of facts, 4.061 (1)
of truth-functions as a function, 5.2341 (i)
only propositions have it, 3.3
opposite, 4.0621 (3)
postulate of determinateness of, 3 23
requires substance, 2.021 1
reversed by denial, 5.2341 (3)
what a picture represents is its, 2.221

Senseless (Sinnlos)

distinct from nonsensical, 4.461 (3), 4.4611
examples of the, 4.1272 (9), 4.1274, 5.1362 (2)
"laws of inference" are, 5.132 (4)
tautology and contradiction are, 4.461 (3)

Series, formal {See Formal series)


by tautologies and contradictions, 4.461 (1)
by structure, 4.1211 (2)
correctness of solipsism, 5.62 (2)
examples of, 4.1211, 6.12, 6.1201, 6.127 (2), 6.36 (2)
excludes saying, 4. 1212
generality, 5.1311 (2)
logic of the world, 6.22
logical form, 4. 121 (4)
needed for form of representation, 2.172
of operations, 5.24 (i)
of sense, 4,022
that a formal concept applies, 4.126 (3)
that internal properties hold, 4.122 (4)
that one proposition follows
from another, 4.1 211 (2)
that the world is my world, 5.62 (3)
the inexpressible, 6.522
what it says, by proposition, 4.461 (1)

Sight, field of, 5.633, 5.6331


and symbol, 3.326
application of, 3.262
as likeness of the signified, 4.012
as perceptible part of symbol, 3.12 3.32
cannot receive a wrong sense, 5.4732
complex, 3.1432
equivalence of, 5.47321 (2)
how it determines a logical form, 3.327
identity of tokens of, 3.203
possible, 5.473 (2)
primitive (See Primitive signs)
propositional (See Propositional sign)
simple, 3.201, 3.202
the same, may belong to different symbols, 3.321
unused, 3.328 (1)

Similes, 4.015

Simplicity of objects, 2.02, 2.021

"Socrates is identical", 5.473 (2), 5.4733 (3)


coincides with realism, 5.64
correct in intention, 5.62

Soul, 5.5421 {See also Subject)


a form of objects, 2.0251
congruence in, 6.36111
geometrical figures cannot contradict laws of, 3.032
logical (See Logical space)
spatial objects must lie in, 2.0131 (1)
spatial objects unthinkable apart from, 2.0121 (4)
symmetry in, 6.3611 (3)
visual, 2.0131 (2)

"Spatial spectacles", 4.0412