Page:Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922.djvu/215

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LANGUAGE AND SYMBOLISM The Symbolic Process, and Its Integration in Children. By J. F. Markey. 14s. The Meaning of Meaning: a Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism. By C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards. £1 8s. Principles of Literary Criticism. By I. A. Richards. £1 5s. The Spirit of Language in Civilization. By K. Vossler. £1. CHILD PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATION, ETC. The Growth of the Mind: an Introduction to Child Psychology. By K. Koffka. Translated by R. M. Ogden. £1 12s. The Language and Thought of the Child. By Jean Piaget. Preface by E. Claparede. Third Edition {revised and enlarged). £1 5s. The Child's Conception of Physical Causality. By Jean Piaget. £1 3s. The Child's Conception of the World. By Jean Piaget. £1 5s. The Child's Conception of Number. By Jean Piaget. £1 5s. Judgment and Reasoning in the Child. By Jean Piaget. £1 Is. The Origin of Intelligence in the Child. By Jean Piaget. £1 8s. The Child's Conception of Space. By Jean Piaget. £2 2s. The Child's Conception of Geometry. By Jean Piaget, Barbel Inhelder and Alina Szeminska. In preparation. Educational Psychology: its Problems and Methods. By Charles Fox. Revised Edition. £1 5s. The Mental Development of the Child. By Karl Biihler. 15s. The Psychology of Intelligence. By Jean Piaget. 18s. The Psychology of Children's Drawings: From the First Stroke to the Coloured Drawing. By Helga Eng. Second Edition. £1 5s. ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY, BIOLOGY, ETC. The Mentality of Apes, with an Appendix on the Psychology of Chim- panzees. By W. Koehler. With 9 plates and 19 figures. £1 5s. The Psychology of Animals, in Relation to Human Psychology. By F. Alverdes. 15s. The Social Insects: Their Origin and Evolution. By William Morton Wheeler. With 48 plates. £1 8s. Theoretical Biology. By J. von Uexkuell. £1 4s.