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8. A young English girl falling in love with a Scotch- man, she petitioned him several times for to marry her; which he refused. So, to be revenged on him, she went to a Justice, and swore a rape against him, which is death by the law. George hearing of this, went to the prison where the young man was, and instructed him how to behave before the judge. So in the time of the trial George came in while the judge was crying to the man, but never a word could he get him to answer, to tell whether he was guilty or not. After the justice had given him over for deaf and dumb, others fell a shouting in his ears, but never a word he would speak. Then the judge, perceiving George, called him, saying, George, do you know what is the matter with this man? Yes, I do very well, says Georg What is it ? says the judge. Why, says George, the woman made such a noise and crying when he was ravishing her, it has put the poor man quite deaf, I assure you. Is it so ? says the justice. No, no, says woman, my Lord Justice, you may believe me, I lay as mute as a lamb, and never spoke a word all the time. Very well confessed, said the justice, and you have sworn a rape upon him. Take the w—_ to prison, and let the poor man go about his business, and so it ended. PART 11. George happened one time to be in company with a bishop, and so they fell to dispute anent education, and he blanked the bishop remarkably, and the bishop himself owned he was worsted. Then one of the com- pany addressed himself to him in these word : thou, Scot, said he, should not have left thy country. For what? says he, because thou has carried all the wisdom