direecly, and charged him never to let him see his face on English ground. Now George, knowing that nothing could reconcile the king at this time, lie came away to Scotland, and caused them to make a pair of great boots, and put a quantity of Scottish earth in each of them, and away he goes for London to see the king once more. He hearing the king and his court was to pass through a town, George places himself up in an old window, and sets up his bare a-, to the king and his court as they passed. The king being greatly amazed to see such an unusual honour done to him, was curious to know the performer; so he called unto hi desiring him to come down; and finding it to be George, sir, says the king, did not I charge you never to let me see your face again ? True my sovereign, says George, for which cause I let you see my a-, But, says the king, you was never to come on English ground again. Neither I did says, George, pulling off his boots before the king, behold, my Sovereign, its all Scots earth I stand upon. The king and his court being greatly diverted with this merry joke. George was admitted again to the king's favour. 3. After this there arose a debate betwixt the king and the queen about votes in the parliament; as the king hail two votes, the queen would have one, and would needs be a parliamenter, or no peace without preferment. This matter was committed to George by the king ; so it was agreed among the parliamenters that the queen should be admitted into parliament for a day. Accordingly she came, and was received with all the honour and congratulations that was duo and becoming her high station : but before any matter of consequence was brought to the board, George seated himself hard by the queen's seat; all being silent, he rose up very quickly, lifted one of his legs, let a